How to Write Product Descriptions for Medical Websites
When looking through a medical website, people want to find what they need quickly. They also need a way to verify that they are the right products and that they offer the benefits they are looking for. Conveying all this information in a way that makes a customer add a product to their cart and complete the checkout process can be challenging. This is why proper product descriptions are so important. Even though great product descriptions hold so much power, they can be difficult to write, especially when you have a lot of products on the website. However, by following a few guidelines, you will be able to create product descriptions that make it easier for customers to find what they need, know that it is the right product, and add it to their cart. Be as Specific as Possible Broad requirements cannot be verified easily and they often leave a customer confused. For example, saying that a medication “treats different types of pain” is less effective than listing the types of pain the medication helps with. Removing all vagueness ensures the product description can stand on its own without the customer having to look for supplementary information before deciding if that is the right product for them. Stick with Consistent, Standardized Terminology A majority of website visitors will use the search button to find the products they need if they cannot immediately find what they are looking for on the home page. Using standard and consistent terminology throughout the website makes it easier for people to search for products using the terminology they are used to and to find the right products. Follow a Formula Writing copy for a medical website is different from writing for other websites because people do not spend a lot of time on these websites. They need information about the products on the website quickly. To achieve this, start with a descriptive heading so customers know what the product is. Then, add a few lines of descriptive copy and the product’s benefits as well as the challenges it meets. On the product’s page, you can add additional copy that highlights any additional benefits or any other product information customers should know about. Medical websites like do this really well because they use headings and short descriptive lines to help customers know what the product is, what it does, as well as its benefits as soon as they land on a product page. For dense information that would span many lines, use a set of bullet points to get the information across quickly. Optimize for Search Engines The product descriptions can also be used as part of your SEO strategy and so they should be optimised for search engines. Using standardized terminology that people search for as discussed above helps, but so does using the right keywords in your headings and copy. Remember to avoid keyword stuffing and let the use of keywords and other descriptive terminology come off as natural. Product descriptions for a medical website should be concise, brief and formatted in a way that makes it easy for customers to find the information they are looking for quickly.