Blogging, Content Marketing, VIdeo Marketing

Difference Between Blog And Vlog: All You Need To Know

The idea of disparity between blogging and vlogging leaves people quite perplexed. That’s why discussing the difference between blog and vlog is the point of today’s discussion. With so many terms developing with time, anyone can be perplexed. Something similar happens when it comes to the difference between blog and vlog. If you’ve come across the terms- blog and vlog recently, you can understand the former as a written form of online communication with readers and the latter as a verbal form of communication with viewers. These two things have been a trending buzz of this era and have their own ins and outs. Blogging and Vlogging are both as different as day and night. Also, these two are the most optimum and practical ways to earn online money. So if you’re considering generating revenue from a website and/or platforms like YouTube, reading further will surely benefit you. Before we dive into the difference between blog and vlog, it is important to understand these two thoroughly. You must be aware of the disparities in detail. So let’s start with blogs first….. What Is Blog? A typical definition of a blog summarizes in two words- ‘online journal.’ But that was the case in the past as earlier people used blogs to describe their personal beliefs and experiences. Nowadays, blogs are also used as a medium to generate revenue through online published content on a website or a web page. As a matter of fact, blogs are one of the top-most used forms of content marketing. For one thing, what you’re reading right now is nothing but a blog. To get indulged in blogging means you’re repeatedly publishing text-based content (regarded as blog posts) on a website. And, so, you become a blogger. By the way, how many blogs have you read by now? Exactly, it can’t be recalled, but as of now, over 650 million blogs have been published online. Astounding, isn’t it? Blogging emerged simultaneously with the invention of the World Wide Web (WWW). Otherwise, the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) would be nothing but a blank board. With time, the evolution of blog writing made it a way to earn money. Blogging is primarily done to attract web traffic to the website. Here, web traffic refers to the readers who can turn into potential leads in the case of business and subscribers for a personal blogger. Before we discuss the difference between blog and vlog, let’s look at how blogging can be advantageous. Importance Of Blogging Today over 95% of marketers use blogs to reach their audience. This percentage itself suffices for how blogs can potentially generate profits for businesses. Moreover, here are the key benefits of blogging: Benefits Of Blogging     1. Sell Without Actually Advertising Blogs are a great way of promoting your brand name among your target audience. It is an effective way to generate leads without officially bothering your target audience with unwanted ads every single time. They come to your website for information, and if they like it, they get hooked to it. 2. Drives In Traffic Today people look for various kinds of information online. Be it for home remedies, celebrity life, lifestyle, beauty, search engine optimization, or anything that comes to mind. That’s why the internet is filled with blogs on various topics.  3. Increases ROI Blogging is an earning source for most businesses and individuals these days. You must have seen most websites with a separate blog section. That way, businesses upturn their ROI. Also, when you need to make your website more discoverable among your audience, there is no other better way than blogging. A number of different queries can be covered in blogs. That’s why blogging is an indispensable part of SEO Strategy. Despite the difference between blog and vlog, both generate optimum revenue. 4. Builds Brand Authority Blogging is an imperative medium to boost online presence. It helps in spreading the word about your business and builds thought leadership. Thus, builds a credible reputation among the audience. 5. Improves SEO Strategy To understand it, think about how often you’ve come across the ‘Blog’ section on a website. Ever thought why businesses do so? Firstly, a business website can’t put on everything on its Homepage. Blogs help them in targeting vivid audiences via informational posts. Secondly, blogging increases a site’s Click-Through Rate (CTR). Thus, it plays a crucial role in improving seo strategy. In fact, there is a big difference between blog and vlog here. Blogs can prove beneficial in seo for vlogs. Downsides Of Blogging (i) Takes A Lot Of Time A blog post needs to be curated carefully. It demands R&D and detailed knowledge about the topic being discussed. This does not happen just in a blink of an eye. Moreover, building a loyal audience that is interested in your content and looks forward to it is not as easy as ABC. (ii) Consistency Is The Key When it comes to blogging, sitting back is just out of sorts. You have to be up and above with topics relevant to your niche and serve your audience timely. This requires a whole strategy to manage your blogs from the very beginning till the end. If you publish blogs like once-in-a-blue-moon, then expecting revenues is just not in line. Though there are a plethora of differences between blog and vlog, one has to be consistent in running both. (iii) Tough Competition The competition in blogging is cut-throat. After all, there are over 650 million blogs already out there. Thus, getting the desired rank is not that easy. For that, skillfully optimized content has to be designed. This requires adequate knowledge of SEO and content. Even then, you can’t be certain that your blog will get ranked on the first page of Google or other search engines. Why? Because others are doing that too. So you need to be consistent and keep trying to stand out from the competition, which requires an abundance of patience. Irrespective of the