7 Surefire SEO Tips To Boost Your Site Ranking



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Nowadays, any business needs to have an online presence. This also explains why search engine optimization (SEO) should be on top of your priority list.

But what if you are already implementing SEO, but you do not see the results? Here are eights tips that can help you boost your website’s search engine ranking:

1. Improve Your Page Load Speed

Page load speed is one of the most crucial ranking factors. That’s because it indicates your website’s usability.

Mind you; website abandonment rate increases the slower your website becomes.

So how can you boost your website’s page load speed? Here are some quick tips:

  • Optimize your images
  • Minify the web dev codes you used
  • Reduce your number of redirects
  • Remove render-blocking JavaScript
  • Enable browser caching
  • Improve your server response time
  • Use a content distribution network

If this sounds technical for you, you can opt to work with a digital marketing company that provides SEO reseller services. You’d be surprised to know how many of them can help boost your website’s page speed.

2. Publish Top-quality Content

Have you heard of the phrase “Content is King”? That’s because your content strategy is a glue that ties your various digital marketing tactics.

For instance, it can be challenging to optimize your website for your target keywords without content. You are less likely to drive social media engagement without sharing any content. Even the videos you produce are content that can help build awareness around your brand.

SEO reseller services

That said, it is essential to publish top-quality content. These are content that is relevant to your business and helpful for your target market.

3. Step-up Your Link Building Game

Another way to boost your search engine rankings is through link building. However, keep in mind that this tactic has two parts: Inbound and outbound.

Inbound Link Building

This is the process of acquiring links for other sources.

Why is it important to get links from other websites? Because search engines deem these links as a vote of approval.

It can be because your content is so informative that other websites would like to share it with their audience. Hence, they linked to your content.

That’s how an inbound link occurs.

Outbound Link Building

This is the process of linking to other people’s content.

For one, no brand works in a vacuum. And linking to other sources is normal since you do not have answers to every question.

Not to mention that it balances your link building process. Because acquiring links alone can make you suspect for gaming the system.

4. Use Visual Content

Content is not limited to your blog posts. It also has something to do with the images and videos that you produce.

But how can visual content boost your search engine ranking?

For one, it helps improve the usability of your website. In case you do not know, 68% of consumers prefer to watch explainer videos. Moreover, the human brain can process visual content than text.

Visual content can also be repurposed. Meaning, you produce one content, and you can publish it anywhere and in any format. For instance, you can repurpose a video into an infographic.

5. Optimize for Mobile

You must be aware that more than half of internet traffic comes from mobile. That’s why you should include mobile optimization on your to-do.

Luckily, some CMS offers mobile-responsive design themes. This means that your website’s design will adjust based on the size of the user’s screen.

The beauty of using a mobile-responsive theme is that you can save your resources. That’s because you no longer need to develop a mobile version of your website.

6. Generate Social Media Engagement

Although Google does not admit, there is a correlation between social media engagement and your search engine ranking.

That said, you should be active on social media if you want to boost your ranking.

To do so, you need to have an effective social media strategy. This includes compelling and relevant content that you can share with your audience.

It is also essential that you have a social media calendar. That’s because it gives you a bird’s eye view of holidays and dates that are important for your business. Not to mention that people do not like it when you bombard them with sale-sy posts.

7. Optimize Your URLs

This may sound basic, but optimizing URLs is one of the things that we tend to neglect.

Here’s a quick tip in optimizing your URLs:

  • Use your target keywords
  • Use dash (-) instead of underscore to separate words
  • Keep it short and simple
  • Make it as close to the root domain as possible

The key here is making it quick and easy for search engine bots to crawl your URL. That way, they already have a clue of what your content is all about.

Here’s the thing: No one will patronize your website and business if no one knows that it exists. This is where SEO could come in handy. But keep in mind that it will take a while before you see results. So be patient and keep on doing the white hat optimization tactics that you are doing.

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