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blogger outreach, Blogging, Content, Content Marketing, Search Marketing, SEO

Blog Commenting Sites List 2024 (Updated) – Category Wise

To acquire traffic and increase reach on blogs, site owners go the whole nine yards. However, it is not a cinch. That’s where blog commenting sites enter into the picture. Many people aren’t aware of the benefits of blog commenting, which is the reason they’re unable to utilize this technique to its full potential. It isn’t a mere proof of people getting engaged in your blogs but is also a wonderful way to collaborate with influencers. Especially for newly published content, this technique is a great weapon to sail through the obstacles of heavy online competition. This technique helps acquire backlinks which will bring in new viewers and grow the brand reach enormously. Today we’ll talk about the ins and outs of blog commenting and discover some sites that host comments. What Is Blog Commenting? Blog commenting is an off-page SEO technique in which site owners/bloggers leave a comment on a third-party website’s blog to acquire backlinks and traffic. It is like leaving footprints on other sites to lead your audience to the desired landing page. What Are Blog Commenting Sites? Sites that host blog comments are a wonderful platform to engage with audiences online, understand their opinion, and enhance your site’s traffic as well as authority through quality backlinks.  This helps readers and bloggers exchange their thoughts and ideas, ask questions, and engage in thought-provoking discussions. In addition, one can also use this technique for link building, of course not solely for that reason!  Benefits Of Blog Commenting In SEO Blog Commenting has several benefits for website SEO that are explained in detail below: (a) Increases Visibility Sites that allow commenting on blogs are always open to let you represent your business in front of a fresh bunch of audience. So where there is a spot, there is an opportunity. If the audience finds your comment engaging, informative, and valuable, they’ll surely visit your website. (b) Helps Generate Quality Traffic Finding quality traffic is not that easy. But when you exercise this technique, you generate qualitative backlinks, you get the chance to attract an audience who is genuinely interested in your offerings/subject matter. If you find difficulty in boosting your website discoverability, get in touch with Mind Mingles. (c) Assists In Backlink Generation Backlinks follow where blog commenting sites are. You can emphasize any information relevant to a particular blog that your website hosts and provide its link. If the particular site owner approves your comment, you can acquire a link that will help you gain traffic. (d) Establishes Brand Credibility Every business wants to establish itself as a brand, right? And this technique can elevate brand presence. It helps establish a brand persona in front of the target audience with well-researched valuable information. If your comment provides additional valuable information or simplifies a complex point, you leave a long-lasting impression in the audience’s mind. (e) Chance To Collaborate When two influencers collaborate, it’s a win-win situation for both of them. Simple as that. When you want to expand the reach of your newly published blogs, leaving a comment on other relevant blogs that talk of similar topics is a good way to develop a network with other blog/site owners. This network in turn allows you to publicize your content and offerings to attract a much wider and qualitative audience base. Now you know how advantageous generating backlinks through commenting on blogs is. So what now? All you need to know now is credible blog commenting sites. So scroll down a little…… Blog Commenting Sites List 2024 Below is the list of blog commenting sites categorized for different niches: General S. NO. BLOG COMMENTING SITES SITE URL DA PA 1 Zoho https://www.zoho.com/blog/ 89 51 2 DAILY BLOG TIPS https://dailyblogtips.com/blog/ 67 37 3 RYAN ROBINSON https://www.ryrob.com/blog/s 62 48 4 BRUCE CLAY https://www.bruceclay.com/blog/ 56 52 5 Wit & Delight https://witanddelight.com/ 55 56 6 Family Focus Blog https://familyfocusblog.com/ 55 55 7 Aha!Now https://www.aha-now.com/ 48 51 8 grow map https://growmap.com/ 47 52 9 VYPER https://vyper.ai/blog/s 43 32 10 TECHIE TRICKS WORLD https://www.techtricksworld.com/ 41 54 11 Support Me India https://www.supportmeindia.com/ 31 45 12 Blogging Without A Blog https://bloggingwithoutablog.com/ 30 45 13 HINDI ME HELP https://hindimehelp.com/ 29 45 14 HubsAdda https://hubsadda.com/ 29 43 15 Kya Hai https://kyahai.net/ 27 41 16 Our External World https://www.ourexternalworld.com/2012/04/contact-me.html 22 20 Digital Marketing/SEO S. NO. BLOG COMMENTING SITES SITE URL DA PA 1 Smashing Magazine https://www.smashingmagazine.com/ 90 75 2 NIEL PATEL https://neilpatel.com/blog/ 90 67 3 Elegant Themes https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/ 90 65 4 DigitalOcean https://www.digitalocean.com/community 89 61 5 Yoast https://yoast.com/seo-blog/ 84 62 6 copy blogger https://copyblogger.com/blog/ 83 57 7 PROBLOGGER https://problogger.com/ 82 61 8 Shout Me Loud https://www.shoutmeloud.com/blog 78 52 9 Backlinko https://backlinko.com/blog 72 48 10 David Walsh Blog (DWB) https://davidwalsh.name/ 71 59 11 SmartBlogger https://smartblogger.com/blog/ 61 42 12 WPTAVERN https://wptavern.com/ 61 56 13 The Web Hospitality https://www.thewebhospitality.com/blog/ 58 40 14 TORQUE https://torquemag.io/articles/ 58 39 15 YARO STARK https://yaro.blog/blog/ 55 39 16 beaver builder https://www.wpbeaverbuilder.com/blog/ 52 46 17 EMAIL MARKETING BLOG https://email.uplers.com/blog/ 50 44 18 IAN ANDRESON GRAY https://iag.me/blog/ 47 39 19 Inspire To Thrive https://inspiretothrive.com/blog/ 47 37 20 Robbie Richards https://www.robbierichards.com/ 44 47 21 STERLING SKY https://www.sterlingsky.ca/blog/ 41 45 22 BLUE HAT SEO https://www.bluehatseo.com/ 31 49 Affiliate Marketing S. NO. BLOG COMMENTING SITES SITE URL DA PA 1 JungleScout https://www.junglescout.com/resources/articles/ 60 36 2 ThirstyAffiliates https://thirstyaffiliates.com/blog 42 41 Food/Recipes S. NO. BLOG COMMENTING SITES SITE URL DA PA 1 100 DAYS Of REAL FOOD https://www.100daysofrealfood.com/ 61 61 2 AGGIE’S KITCHEN https://aggieskitchen.com/ 54 52 3 The Food Alphabet https://www.thefoodalphabet.com/ 21 31 Travel & Tourism S. NO. BLOG COMMENTING SITES SITE URL DA PA 1 BoardingArea https://boardingarea.com/ 82 60 2 A Dangerous Business (Travel Blog) https://www.dangerous-business.com/blog/ 58 39 3 The Shooting Star https://the-shooting-star.com/ 58 34 4 velvet escape https://velvetescape.com/travel-blog/ 55 40 5 Travel With Lakshmi https://lakshmisharath.com/ 44 46 6 My Travel Diary https://www.traveldiaryparnashree.com/blog 34 26 Pets/Animals S. NO. BLOG COMMENTING SITES SITE URL DA PA 1 PetHelpful https://pethelpful.com/ 65 54 2 PUPPY LEAKS https://www.puppyleaks.com/ 54 49 3 Paws India https://pawsindia.com/ 23 38 Technology S. NO. BLOG COMMENTING SITES SITE URL DA PA 1

blogger outreach, Content Marketing, content marketing services, content writing services, guest posting Services

45+ Guest Posting Sites For Backlinks & Enormous Traffic

Looking for guest posting sites? Then look no further because in this post, you’ll discover sites for guest posting that cover a wide range of categories ranging from finance to health to movies, and whatnot. Bloggers and/or writers are always in search of best techniques to reach out to a wide section of audience to broaden their readership. Guest posting has a long way to go for them and also lifts website traffic, credibility and engagement rate. Those who are familiar with boons of guest posting know how impactful it is. However, if you’re just starting with this SEO technique you must be well-versed with its advantages and how it works. So before we proceed to discover the list of guest posting sites, let’s have a look at what guest posting is and what benefits it offers to bloggers and publishers. What Is Guest Posting In SEO? Guest Posting is an off-page SEO technique in which one creates blogs/articles to publish them on third-party sites (known as guest posting sites) in order to reach a wider audience base. It is done to drive traffic to your site and increase website authority. Benefits Of Guest Posting In SEO Guest Posting offers the following benefits for SEO: 1. Wider Audience Reach With guest posting you can reach the new untapped audience for exposure and improve brand awareness. It offers multiple avenues to target and drive traffic from authoritative, niche-oriented and influential sites to boost your brand visibility. 2. Generate Quality Backlinks Guest posting sites can offer splendid opportunities to generate backlinks from high-authority sites which helps in improving website ranking. With quality backlinks from reputable and genuine sites you can also be assured of improving website credibility. 3. Networking & Collaboration Opportunities Guest posting helps build strong relations with reputable publishers/site owners in your niche. Instead of relying on traditional methods of marketing, this can help you establish a distinguished position in your industry with trusted collaborations. 4. Improved Website Rankings Guest posting also helps in boosting website ranking by generating quality backlinks which in turn improves the quality of traffic and overall website SEO score. In addition, it makes crawling and indexing faster which lifts search visibility. Guest Posting Sites S. NO. WEBSITE URL DA PA 1 tasteful space https://www.tastefulspace.com/ 56 50 2 Wake Posts https://wakeposts.com/ 53 43 3 GeniusUpdates https://www.geniusupdates.com/ 53 46 4 SERIES MAZA https://www.seriesmaza.com/ 53 37 5 TERRACE HOUSE FUN https://terracehouse-fun.net/ 56 42 6 NetWorthScape https://networthscape.com/ 54 38 7 TechWiki https://www.techwiki.in/ 49 49 8 CITY GOLDMEDIA https://citygoldmedia.com/ 50 48 9 BIOGRAPHY TALK https://biographytalk.com/ 50 44 10 LATEST PHONE ZONE https://www.latestphonezone.com/ 54 48 11 Colorfy https://colorfy.net/ 54 50 12 Trends We https://www.trendswe.com/ 54 34 13 EDITORIAL MASH https://editorialmash.com/ 32 31 14 ZOMG! CANDY https://zomgcandy.com/ 54 46 15 Espbr https://espbr.com/ 53 47 16 CelebrityNews https://www.celebritynews.wiki/ 54 44 17 all sim code https://allsimcode.com/ 51 40 18 How to Guide Wiki https://howtoguidewiki.com/ 53 38 19 Dresses Khazana https://dresseskhazana.com/ 73 51 20 HDvb5.com https://hdbv5.com/ 52 39 21 STYLE VANITY https://stylevanity.com/ 57 54 22 PLAYCAST MEDIA.COM https://www.playcast-media.com/ 52 45 23 THE TECHY INFO https://thetechyinfo.com/ 51 46 24 tattoo MAGZ https://tattoomagz.com/ 56 54 25 Born2Gamer https://born2gamer.com/ 53 44 26 THE RICH NET WORTH https://therichnetworth.com/ 54 45 27 SCOOPIFY https://www.scoopify.org/ 48 50 28 BANKING SUPPORT https://www.bankingsupport.info/ 54 44 29 INTEREST LIBRARY https://interest-library.com/ 52 44 30 BUFFALO CHRISTIAN https://buffalochristian.com/ 63 46 31 Wedding Vyapar.com https://weddingvyapar.com/ 37 32 32 DOCTOR XIAOMI https://www.doctorxiaomi.com/ 62 38 33 FREE MOD APK https://free-modapk.com/ 57 42 34 HEALTH TIPS LIVE https://www.healthtipslive.com/ 47 50 35 all about GOA https://allaboutgoa.com/ 57 37 36 Lost Virtual Tour https://www.lostvirtualtour.com/ 52 44 37 DESIGN DARE https://www.designdare.com/ 56 41 38 CIRCLE PLUS https://circleplus.in/ 56 42 39 urdu nama https://urdunama.net/ 58 42 40 MOD APK DOWNLOAD https://modapkdownload.org/ 54 41 41 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION https://civiltej.com/ 51 42 42 GET ME WP https://getmewp.com/ 51 41 43 T20 World Cup LiveScore https://t20worldcuplivescore.com/ 48 46 44 SMARTEST COMPUTING https://smartestcomputing.us.com/ 57 49 For more sites refer here: More Guest Posting Sites How To Do Guest Posting For SEO? Here is the easy process to start with guest posting: 1. Search For Guest Posting Sites The first and foremost step to get started with guest posting is finding appropriate sites. Now you can do this by searching on Google or refer to the list of guest posting sites discussed above. 2. Review Sites & Read Guidelines Afterwards, you need to go through the site’s guidelines to know if they serve your audience and what requirements they want in the content. In addition, you must check how many and what type of links they offer. You must also review whether the site serves only one niche or different kinds of industries. In addition, check the site’s domain authority, domain rating, spam score, and other relevant metrics. You must not pick a site with DA less than 20 because it can harm your site’s authority and SEO score. 3. Create Content Next, you can create content as per the specifications of the website you’ve chosen, for instance, content length, and quality adherence. Your content should be informative and not promotional so that it offers value to the readers. 4. Pitch For Guest Posting Then you need to draft an email to reach out to the guest post blogging site owner for which you need to research the site for contact information. The mail should be professional so maintain a formal tone to introduce your proposal and how you think the site you’ve chosen can serve mutual benefits. You might also need to submit a few of your published blogs or suggest new ideas that can be of interest to the guest post site owner/publisher. 5. Wait & Get Your Blog Published After submitting the pitch mail, you must wait for 1 to 2 days for the reply. Once you get the approval from the site owner, you might get your post published or an author account to publish the blog yourself based on site guidelines and discussions. You’ll receive the link of your published blog after publishing and

blogger outreach, Blogging, Content, Content Marketing, content writing services, guest posting Services

100+ Blog Submission Sites To Get Instant Approval

Do you know what blog submission is and why is it important? If you’re willing to solidify your off-page SEO strategy, blog submission can do wonders for you. But are you aware of which blog submission sites are the best for acquiring traffic and top search engine rankings? Today, you’ll get answers to all such questions. Blog submission acts like a pillar for off-page SEO that emphasizes building thought leadership by acquiring a new audience. No wonder, till date, over 600 Million blogs have been published online. So are you too willing to improve your site’s SEO Score, earn more web traffic, and establish thought leadership in your niche category? Then be ready with your fresh content as you’re about to discover 100+ blog submission sites in this article. What’s more? You’ll also get to know how blog submission sites differ from blog directory submission sites. So let’s start….. What Is Blog Submission? Blog Submission involves crafting a well-researched blog and then submitting it to a third-party blog submission site. It is an excellent way to attract traffic and increase your website’s visibility in online searches. Search engines take a plethora of facets into consideration while allotting the ranks to blogs, one of these crucial factors is backlinks, an essential aspect of link building. For those looking for expert assistance on blog submissions, there are professional link building services in the UK that provide expert strategies to enhance your online presence and open a hub of opportunities to garner high-quality backlinks. But the scope of its benefits is not just limited to that, so read further to explore more. Bright Side Of Blog Submission As per a report published by Hubspot, business organizations that opt for blog submissions have attracted 67% more leads than those which don’t. That is to say, blog submission proffers splendid benefits: (i) Generates Quality Backlinks: Submitting blogs on niche-specific sites helps in generating quality backlinks which are an invincible search engine ranking factor. (ii) Increases Domain Authority (DA): When you submit your blog on high-DA sites to generate backlinks, the DA of your website also increases. (iii) Boosts Networking: Blogging proffers a wide network of publishers and web traffic and establishes a distinguished name in the industry. (iv) Improves Ranking: Since blog submission allows the generation of quality backlinks, it can increase the search engine ranking of your website. (v) Attracts Target Audience: Blog submission is a quintessential technique to deliver your content to a specific target audience and spend wisely. How To Pick The Right Blog Submission Site? You’ll find a plethora of blog submission sites on the internet. But you need to make a diligent choice, otherwise, your website can stand in deep water. Now the question is how will you know that a particular site is good for you or not? Here are 2 key aspects that you must consider while selecting a blog submission site: (a) Domain Authority: First of all, you must check the Domain Authority (DA) of the site you’re willing to submit your blog to. DA is an SEO score metric between 1 to 100 that signifies how authoritative a site is. So you must submit your blogs on sites with DA 20 or higher. Moz is a splendid and reliable DA checker tool that can help you with this. (b) Niche: It has been seen that blogs that are submitted on niche-specific sites generate relatively higher returns. That’s why you must publish your blog on sites that are relevant to your niche. Submitting blogs on sites that don’t cater to your audience will not even get approval, let alone returns. Instant Approval Blog Submission Sites There are zillions of paid and free blog submission sites. The table below comprises a list of top blog submission sites based on DA: S. NO. BLOG SUBMISSION SITES WEBSITE URL DA PA 1 Blogger https://www.blogger.com/ 100 100 2 LinkedIn https://in.linkedin.com/ 99 86 3 Github https://github.com/ 96 92 4 Live Journal https://www.livejournal.com/ 93 99 5 OverBlog https://www.over-blog.com/ 93 90 6 Instructables https://www.instructables.com/ 93 76 7 Academia https://www.academia.edu/ 93 75 8 Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/ 92 75 9 Scoop.it https://www.scoop.it/ 92 75 10 ehow https://www.ehow.com/ 92 75 11 Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ 92 76 12 Bored Panda https://www.boredpanda.com/ 91 71 13 Patch https://patch.com/ 91 70 14 Seeking Alpha https://seekingalpha.com/ 91 72 15 Boing Boing https://boingboing.net/blog 89 56 16 Your Story https://yourstory.com/ 87 63 17 Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/ 86 100 18 DZone https://dzone.com/ 84 66 19 HubPages https://discover.hubpages.com/ 82 57 20 The Free Library https://www.thefreelibrary.com/ 80 67 21 APSense https://www.thefreelibrary.com/ 80 62 22 bcz https://bcz.com/ 76 59 23 buzzle https://buzzle.com/ 77 61 24 penzu https://penzu.com/ 76 68 25 My Trending Stories https://mytrendingstories.com/ 75 53 26 write.as https://write.as/ 70 61 27 e27 https://e27.co/ 71 58 28 wakelet https://wakelet.com/ 71 68 29 Vocal https://vocal.media/ 70 59 30 Blog Directory Submission https://www.blogdirectorysubmission.com/ 70 48 31 Let’s Diskuss https://www.letsdiskuss.com/ 62 49 32 Nouw https://nouw.com/ 65 58 33 Blog Engage https://blogengage.com/ 68 53 34 TeLeType https://teletype.in/ 61 59 35 storeboard.com https://www.storeboard.com/ 62 44 36 MindsMag https://mindsmag.com/ 54 36 37 WriteOnWall https://writeonwall.com/ 57 29 38 News To Buzz https://newstobuzz.com/ 54 33 39 News Ethnic https://newsethnic.com/ 53 42 40 uberant.com https://uberant.com/ 56 58 41 AbiLogic https://articles.abilogic.com/ 57 52 42 busika https://bukisa.com/ 56 52 43 MarketBusiness Times https://marketbusinesstimes.com/ 53 43 44 LifeUnited https://lifeunited.org/ 55 41 45 Apkevents https://apkevents.com/ 54 45 46 The Publishing Herald https://thepublishingherald.com/ 53 44 47 Mega Mind Magazines https://www.megamindmagazines.com/ 54 26 48 Easy Business Tricks https://easybusinesstricks.com/ 54 43 49 Today Story https://todaystory.org/ 53 37 50 Experts Advices https://expertsadvices.net/ 51 51 51 Know World https://knowworld365.com/ 52 45 52 Mcnezu https://mcnezu.com/ 51 43 53 TechFoodTrip https://techfoodtrip.com/ 53 39 54 Technolf https://technolf.com/ 53 39 55 HitUponViews https://www.hituponviews.com/ 52 33 56 CANVASLOCK https://canvaslock.com/ 49 46 57 Articleinon https://articleinon.com/ 52 43 58 ✔ARTICLE https://ticarticle.com/ 52 43 59 Articles Need https://articlesneed.com/ 52 41 60 Tiago Martinho https://www.tiagomartinho.com/ 52 27 61 The Mega News https://themeganews.com/ 51 37 62 SooperArticles https://www.sooperarticles.com/ 51 60 63 Freelively https://freelively.com/ 51 41 64 TECHNOLOS https://technoloss.com/ 52 42 65 Amazines https://www.amazines.com/ 49 59 66 Fabsswing https://fabsswing.com/ 48 44 67

99+ Article Submission Sites To Increase Your Site’s SEO Score
blogger outreach, Blogging, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing

99+ Article Submission Sites To Increase Your Site’s SEO Score

The best way to acquire backlinks and promote your brand visibility is through article submission sites. Article submission does a plethora of wonders for: Businesses that wish to promote themselves across a wide range of audiences Professionals in the research field Digital marketing companies or advertising agencies Those who are well-acquainted with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques are aware of the importance of article submission.  If you’re thinking about how article submission can help you with publicity and business promotion, then here are five key benefits that paid and free article submission sites can provide you: Increased Reach More Traffic Quality Backlinks Profile Increased Website SEO Score Improved Search Engine Ranking If you optimally choose article submission sites, you stand a chance to get ranked on the first page of search engines including Google and Yahoo. What Is Article Submission? Article Submission is a popular off-page SEO technique. It involves writing and submitting articles on this-party article submission sites to acquire backlinks and attract more traffic. With article submission, businesses get exposed to a whole new audience base. Not just that, it also improves the SEO Score of a website which means more chances to get ranked on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. But for that it’s important to select the right and relevant article submission sites. Different Types Of Article Submission Sites To rank your website well on search engines, it is important to pick the right type of article submission sites. And it will only be plausible when you know what different types of paid and free article submission sites exist. So, here you go: Niche-Specific Sites: Such sites which publish articles related to a particular thing or topic that interests a particular group of people come under the umbrella of niche-specific sites. For instance, Gadgets Now and Gadgets 360°. Apart from technology, there is a wide range of niche-oriented topics that you can write about including digital marketing, education, finance, gaming, real estate blog, parenting, insurance, celebrity life, travel & tourism blogs, health, recipes, lifestyle, news, home decor, and entrepreneurship. Industry-Specific Sites: These sites are designed to cater to different demands of audiences in a specific industry. For instance, e-commerce sites. General Sites: It must be clear from the name itself that general sites are such sites which cover a wide range of topics. Such sites serve a diversified audience as they publish articles related to several interests such as recipes, technology, automobile, healthcare, finance, celebrities, fashion trends, etc. Instant Approval Article Submission Sites List The main advantage of article submission is that you get to build a quality link profile for your website. But you must ensure that the site you pick is high-quality so as to not decrease your SEO Score and ultimately the search engine ranking. Your search for high DA article submission sites will end as soon as you’ll take a close look at the table below: S. NO. ARTICLE SUBMISSION SITES WEBSITE URL DA PA 1 Blogger https://www.blogger.com/ 100 100 2 LinkedIn https://in.linkedin.com/ 99 86 3 Google Sites https://sites.google.com/ 97 85 4 Github https://github.com/ 96 92 5 Live Journal https://www.livejournal.com/ 93 99 6 Quora https://www.quora.com/ 93 79 7 Instructables https://www.instructables.com/ 93 76 8 Academia https://www.academia.edu/ 93 75 9 Reddit https://www.reddit.com/ 92 91 10 Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/ 92 75 11 Scoop.it https://www.scoop.it/ 92 75 12 ehow https://www.ehow.com/ 92 75 13 Patreon https://www.patreon.com/c/writing 92 57 14 Bored Panda https://www.boredpanda.com/ 91 71 15 Patch https://patch.com/ 91 70 16 Seeking Alpha https://seekingalpha.com/ 90 72 17 Your Story https://yourstory.com/ 87 63 18 Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/ 86 100 19 DZone https://dzone.com/ 84 66 20 HubPages https://discover.hubpages.com/ 81 57 21 The Free Library https://www.thefreelibrary.com/ 80 67 22 APSense https://www.apsense.com/ 80 62 23 buzzle https://buzzle.com/ 77 61 24 ARTICLESBASE https://articlesbase.com/ 77 60 25 penzu https://penzu.com/ 76 68 26 bcz https://bcz.com/ 76 59 27 My Trending Stories https://mytrendingstories.com/ 75 53 28 e27 https://e27.co/ 71 58 29 wakelet https://wakelet.com/ 71 68 30 write.as https://write.as/ 69 61 31 Vocal https://vocal.media/ 69 59 32 Nouw https://nouw.com/ 65 58 33 Let’s Diskuss https://www.letsdiskuss.com/ 61 48 34 TeLeType https://teletype.in/ 61 59 35 storeboard.com https://www.storeboard.com/home.asp 61 63 36 Articles Factory https://www.articlesfactory.com/ 57 63 37 Upload Article https://uploadarticle.com/ 57 45 39 WriteOnWall https://writeonwall.com/ 56 48 40 AbiLogic https://articles.abilogic.com/s 56 52 41 busika https://bukisa.com/ 56 52 42 uberant.com https://uberant.com/ 56 58 43 MindsMag https://mindsmag.com/ 54 36 45 LifeUnited https://lifeunited.org/ 55 41 46 News To Buzz https://newstobuzz.com/ 54 34 47 Apkevents https://apkevents.com/ 54 45 48 Mega Mind Magazines https://www.megamindmagazines.com/ 54 25 49 Easy Business Tricks https://easybusinesstricks.com/ 54 43 50 MarketBusinessTimes https://marketbusinesstimes.com/ 53 43 51 The Publishing Herald https://thepublishingherald.com/ 53 44 52 Today Story https://todaystory.org/ 53 37 53 Expert Advices https://expertsadvices.net/ 53 51 54 Know World https://knowworld365.com/ 53 45 55 TechFoodTrip https://techfoodtrip.com/ 53 39 56 Technolf https://technolf.com/ 53 39 57 HitUponViews https://www.hituponviews.com/ 52 33 58 Articleinon https://articleinon.com/ 52 43 59 ✔ARTICLE https://ticarticle.com/ 52 43 60 Articles Need https://articlesneed.com/ 52 41 61 Tiago Martinho HTML codeshttps://www.tiagomartinho.com/ 52 27 62 The Mega News https://themeganews.com/ 52 37 63 SooperArticles https://www.sooperarticles.com/ 51 60 65 TECHNOLOS https://technoloss.com/ 51 42 66 Mcnezu https://mcnezu.com/ 51 44 67 Amazines https://www.amazines.com/ 49 59 68 Fabsswing https://fabsswing.com/ 49 44 69 CANVASLOCK https://canvaslock.com/ 49 46 70 PromotionWorld https://www.promotionworld.com/ 45 53 71 Article Biz https://articlebiz.com/ 43 53 72 FORTUNE https://fortunetelleroracle.com/ 43 53 73 Business Net https://ny.biznet-us.com/ 42 43 74 Fuzia https://www.fuzia.com/ 41 53 75 CompleteConnection https://www.completeconnection.ca/ 41 45 76 Author Magazine https://www.authormagazine.org/ 39 40 77 123ArticleOnline.com https://www.123articleonline.com/ 39 52 78 Bioneers Live https://bioneerslive.org/ 38 41 79 Go2Article https://go2article.com/ 37 45 80 Area19Delegate https://www.area19delegate.org/ 37 43 81 Articles For Website https://articlesforwebsite.com/ 36 48 82 POPULARARTICLES https://popularticles.com/ 36 46 84 Articles@PR3 https://www.pr3-articles.com/ 34 46 85 Other Articles https://www.otherarticles.com/ 33 50 86 Article Pedia https://articlepedia.xyz/ 33 45 87 Prolink Directory https://www.prolinkdirectory.com/ 32 54 88 Articles Reader https://www.articlesreader.com/ 30 48 89 Article Seen https://www.articleseen.com/ 30 48 90 Newsnux https://www.newsnux.com/ 27 43 91 My Articles https://myarticles.io/ 26 39 92 Travel & Tourism Directory https://www.traveltourismdirectory.net/ 25 48 93 The ARTICLE Trunk https://www.articletrunk.com/ 23 51 94 H1 Ad https://articles.h1ad.com// 22 44 95 Storify https://storify.me/ 20 36 97 Your Tech

blogger outreach
blogger outreach, Blogging

Top 7 Blogger Outreach Tools To Make Your Life Easier

If you need a website traffic boost, you should have a sustainable content marketing strategy in place. This includes identifying relevant websites that accept guest posts. That way, you can reach more readers and spread the word about your brand. However, guest posting can be a cumbersome process. As such, you will need a blogger outreach program and tools to streamline your activities. That said, we have listed seven blogger outreach tools that you can use to have a robust guest posting strategy. 1. BuzzSumo BuzzSumo is an awesome tool that allows you to see how well your content performs on search engines and social media. Apart from that, you can also use it to create blog post titles and a blog outreach tool. Meaning, you can use it to know who the top performers are in a particular industry. Armed with the information of brands dominating the industry, you can use it to your advantage. You would know which brands to reach out to, what content idea to pitch, and how you can create link-building opportunities. Here are some of its top features: Look for the most popular content based on the number of social shares. Filter the location if you’re searching for location-specific content. Filter by types like brands and influencers. Overall, this tool is simple to use, making it easy for you to know the influencer’s in your niche or industry. 2. BuzzStream If you’re looking for a personalized, highly efficient blogging outreach tool, BuzzStream fits the bill. It also allows you to look up influencers and manage relationships. It has features like other blogger outreach tools but something more. You first need to make an account to sign up as a new user. As you search for online influencers, you can also look up new bloggers, and other social media profiles. What’s more, this allows you to save time in ways you can hardly imagine. The best thing about it is that you don’t have to spend hours on blogger outreach. After you upload the custom URLs, this tool lets you crawl websites. From there, you can note and record contact details, check social media metrics and organic traffic statistics. It also makes guest posting straightforward, allowing you to save a lot of time. 3. Mailshake Mainshake is another excellent blogging outreach software that lets you generate leads, promote your content, and build relationships with relevant online influencers. You get to choose from its wide selection of pre-written outreach templates. All you need to do is answer a couple of questions, and the tool will generate personalized emails for your campaign. It also allows you to do automatic follow-ups, allowing you to schedule follow-up emails that are triggered by link clicks. It also lets you merge fields to customize messages quickly. Finally, it can be integrated into services like Google Forms, Zapier, and SalesForce. Doing so can help you build a successful outreach strategy. 4. MuckRack MuckRack is excellent communication and PR software. Created for digital PR purposes, it allows you to communicate with different content producers. This includes online news writers and bloggers. This tool monitors the Internet for relevant news and content about a particular topic or whenever your target keyword is mentioned. That way, you can get in touch with the right people in your niche. Moreover, it’s also a great tool that allows you to build and maintain blogger outreach lists by particular topics. 5. Ninja Outreach Ninja Outreach is effective in terms of blog outreach and link building. The features have an automated email outreach that gives you the automation you need to save time and track results. Using this tool, you’re updated with the number of clicks and replies. It has customizable templates that let you create unique templates in customized fields. These customized emails help pitch a guest post. It also allows you to track email stats to help you evaluate your campaign effectively. That way, you’ll know which particular group is opening your emails, what’s the click rate, and the reply rate. Using this data, you’ll know where to focus more and which particular strategies aren’t working. Overall, if you want to boost your response rate, this is a great tool worth considering. 6. Traackr  Just like what the name suggests, this is a tracking tool that allows you to connect and build relationships with influencers. It also allows you to measure the impact of influencer marketing on your campaign success. With the help of Traackr, you can maximize every content that you produce. After all, blogger outreach is a time-intensive engagement. Since there’s no guarantee of success, you want to focus on relationships that positively impact your business. Equipped with the knowledge and metrics of the impact of social media influencers on your business, you can organize your outreach strategies. You’ll also know what’s working and what isn’t. Overall, it’s an excellent tool if you don’t know where to start with social media influencers. And if you’re committed to looking for relevant influencers and creating a focused content outreach, you should definitely consider this. 7. SemRush Not only is this an excellent blogger outreach tool, but it also is one of the best marketing apps to date. As a whole, it’s less of a tool and more of a collection of various digital marketing apps which will take your business to new heights. It provides you with a comprehensive analysis of the different key performance indicators your should monitor, from domain review to keyword research. That way, you’d know whether your tactics are creating an impact. Some of its blogger outreach features include: Backlink analysis of any domain Link building tool for looking up prospects and sending follow up emails Research trending topics in your industry Track brand mentions Look up backlinks from your competitor’s websites Domain overview with a detailed analysis Track ranks of focused keywords The blogger outreach tools listed above can let you launch an effective content marketing campaign. It also enables you

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