45+ Guest Posting Sites For Backlinks & Enormous Traffic (Updated 2025)



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Looking for guest posting sites? Then look no further because in this post, you’ll discover sites for guest posting that cover a wide range of categories ranging from finance to health to movies, and whatnot. Bloggers and/or writers are always in search of best techniques to reach out to a wide section of audience to broaden their readership. Guest posting has a long way to go for them and also lifts website traffic, credibility and engagement rate.

Those who are familiar with boons of guest posting know how impactful it is. However, if you’re just starting with this SEO technique you must be well-versed with its advantages and how it works. So before we proceed to discover the list of guest posting sites, let’s have a look at what guest posting is and what benefits it offers to bloggers and publishers.

What Is Guest Posting In SEO?

Guest Posting is an off-page SEO technique in which one creates blogs/articles to publish them on third-party sites (known as guest posting sites) in order to reach a wider audience base. It is done to drive traffic to your site and increase website authority.

Benefits Of Guest Posting In SEO

Guest Posting offers the following benefits for SEO:

Benefits Of Guest Posting Sites

1. Wider Audience Reach

With guest posting you can reach the new untapped audience for exposure and improve brand awareness. It offers multiple avenues to target and drive traffic from authoritative, niche-oriented and influential sites to boost your brand visibility.

2. Generate Quality Backlinks

Guest posting sites can offer splendid opportunities to generate backlinks from high-authority sites which helps in improving website ranking. With quality backlinks from reputable and genuine sites you can also be assured of improving website credibility.

3. Networking & Collaboration Opportunities

Guest posting helps build strong relations with reputable publishers/site owners in your niche. Instead of relying on traditional methods of marketing, this can help you establish a distinguished position in your industry with trusted collaborations.

4. Improved Website Rankings

Guest posting also helps in boosting website ranking by generating quality backlinks which in turn improves the quality of traffic and overall website SEO score. In addition, it makes crawling and indexing faster which lifts search visibility.

Guest Posting Sites List

3tasteful spacehttps://www.tastefulspace.com/5450
4Wake Postshttps://wakeposts.com/5343
6SERIES MAZAhttps://www.seriesmaza.com/5337
7TERRACE HOUSE FUNhttps://terracehouse-fun.net/581
10CITY GOLDMEDIAhttps://citygoldmedia.net/5048
11BIOGRAPHY TALKhttps://biographytalk.org/5224
12LATEST PHONE ZONEhttps://www.latestphonezone.net/5522
14Trends Wehttps://trendswe.com/5434
15EDITORIAL MASHhttps://editorialmash.com/3135
16ZOMG! CANDYhttps://zomgcandy.com/5447
19all sim codehttps://allsimcode.com/5641
20How to Guide Wikihttps://howtoguidewiki.com/5539
21Dresses Khazanahttps://dresseskhazana.org/7222
23STYLE VANITYhttps://stylevanity.com/5854
24PLAYCAST MEDIA.COMhttps://www.playcast-media.com/5346
25THE TECHY INFOhttps://thetechyinfo.org/4924
26tattoo MAGZhttps://tattoomagz.org/5424
28THE RICH NET WORTHhttps://therichnetworth.com/5346
30BANKING SUPPORThttps://www.bankingsupport.org/5519
31INTEREST LIBRARYhttps://interest-library.com/5444
32BUFFALO CHRISTIANhttps://buffalochristian.com/6245
33Wedding Vyapar.comhttps://weddingvyapar.com/3634
34DOCTOR XIAOMIhttps://www.doctorxiaomi.com/6138
35FREE MOD APKhttps://free-modapk.com/5742
36HEALTH TIPS LIVEhttps://www.healthtipslive.com/4950
37all about GOAhttps://allaboutgoa.com/5938
38Lost Virtual Tourhttps://www.lostvirtualtour.com/5245
39DESIGN DAREhttps://www.designdare.com/5842
40CIRCLE PLUShttps://circleplus.org/5622
41urdu namahttps://urdunama.net/5819
42MOD APK DOWNLOADhttps://modapkdownload.org/5641
43CIVIL CONSTRUCTIONhttps://civiltej.com/5242
44GET ME WPhttps://getmewp.com/5241
45T20 World Cup LiveScorehttps://t20worldcuplivescore.com/5046
46SMARTEST COMPUTINGhttps://smartestcomputing.us.com/5749

For more sites refer here: More Guest Posting Sites

How To Do Guest Posting For SEO?

Here is the easy process to start with guest posting:

How To Do Guest Posting In SEO

1. Search For Guest Posting Sites

The first and foremost step to get started with guest posting is finding appropriate sites. Now you can do this by searching on Google or refer to the list of paid and free guest posting sites discussed above.

2. Review Sites & Read Guidelines

Afterwards, you need to go through the site’s guidelines to know if they serve your audience and what requirements they want in the content. In addition, you must check how many and what type of links they offer.

You must also review whether the site serves only one niche or different kinds of industries. In addition, check the site’s domain authority, domain rating, spam score, and other relevant metrics. You must not pick a site with DA less than 20 because it can harm your site’s authority and SEO score.

3. Create Content

Next, you can create content as per the specifications of the website you’ve chosen, for instance, content length, and quality adherence. Your content should be informative and not promotional so that it offers value to the readers.

4. Pitch For Guest Posting

Then you need to draft an email to reach out to the guest post sites owner for which you need to research the site for contact information. The mail should be professional so maintain a formal tone to introduce your proposal and how you think the site you’ve chosen can serve mutual benefits. You might also need to submit a few of your published blogs or suggest new ideas that can be of interest to the guest posting submission site owner/publisher.

5. Wait & Get Your Blog Published

After submitting the pitch mail, you must wait for 1 to 2 days for the reply. Once you get the approval from the site owner, you might get your post published or an author account to publish the blog yourself based on site guidelines and discussions. You’ll receive the link of your published blog after publishing and must start working on its promotion.

If you need any assistance with guest blog posting, Mind Mingles is at your rescue. Our Blogger Outreach Services and Guest Posting Packages offer one-of-a-kind satisfaction because you get quality backlinks from high-authority and genuine sites. We offer end-to-end support for guest blogging services so you need not to worry about discovering publishers or creating content or making a professional pitch. We have been working in this industry for the past 10 years and serve diversified industries.

Tips To Make Your Guest Posting Effective

  • Create content based on the search intent of the reader to provide quality information.
  • Focus on generating high-quality backlinks rather than raking in low-quality backlinks in abundance.
  • Always proceed to pitch after analyzing the website for categories of content it hosts, spam score, audience relevance, domain authority, domain rating, traffic, and other important SEO aspects.
  • Check in advance what kind of and how many links you’ll get.
  • Be careful while selecting guest posting websites and don’t fall in the trap of Private Blog Networks (PBNs) that share the same ownership and host similar kinds of content in interconnected sites. Such sites can provide an instant boost of traffic but ultimately harm website ranking and SEO score.

Wrapping Up

Guest posting- one of the widely used practices of off-site SEO opens a hub of opportunities for bloggers/writers to publicize their content and expand their reach to a wide range of audience. This practice offers added advantages of generating backlinks and building long-term relations with site owners/publishers in your industry. The above article has enlisted genuine guest blogging sites, and provided necessary information about how to leverage guest posting.

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