90+ Directory Submission Sites Free & Paid (Updated 2025)



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Free Directory Submission Sites

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One of the most sought-after sites in the world of SEO is directory submission sites. Such sites are no less than the apple of the eyes of website owners and online marketing companies.

Whether you’re looking for directories for a new website or an old site, you must leverage these sites to get a good search engine ranking. Many marketers who’ve expanded the scope of their organizations to online directories have seen tremendous growth in website traffic. Not only that, it also improved their Domain Authority (DA). That’s why online directories are inevitable for maintaining a strong connection with audiences.

A plethora of paid and free directory submission sites are available online. However, picking the most authoritative and relevant sites that will not cause any harm to your business’s online reputation is a daunting task. But fret not, as you’re about to discover high DA and high PA sites (both free and paid).

So, be ready to improve your business’s visibility in search results. But, first things first:

What Is Directory Submission?

It is an off-site activity that helps yield backlinks and improve discoverability in search results. When we submit our website link to online directories in an attempt to list our site’s URL, it is called directory submission.

How Can Directory Submission Improve SEO?

Directory Submission plays a decisive role in determining your business’ presence on the search engine. If done right, you can expect to see improvements in your website rankings and its overall SEO score. 

Nevertheless, this task requires utmost care as highly authoritative web directories can elevate the chances of your business being found, and less authoritative directories can make it stand in deep water. That’s the only reason why marketers work their fingers to the bones to discover the most suitable, relevant, and authoritative internet directories to list their business.

Here are the key benefits of submitting your website URL to relevant directories online:

  • Increases Web Traffic: They say that what is seen gets sold. Business listing directories help you put your business name in front of your target audience when they search for it, allowing you to fetch sales.
  • Improves Rankings: Search engine rankings are a matter of concern for businesses because it’s not a piece of cake to sail through heavy online competition. Submitting site links on online directories allows us to chase the top search engine rankings as they improve the backlink profile, domain authority, and page authority.
  • Boosts Online Exposure: When your business is discovered by the prospects in online directories, it’ll get more exposure. This will increase the chances of attracting new customers and boost your brand awareness.
  • Easy On Pocket: Going for backlink generation via directory submission is the most affordable tactic of online promotions. It creates a buzz about your business with no or minimal cost compared to other major SEO activities.
  • Quick Indexation: It resolves the problem of getting delayed indexation. Search engines take the link profile of a website into account, so listing your business on high DA directories can speed up the crawling and indexing process.

Types Of Directory Submission Sites

Before we move further to reveal the list of web directories, you must know which types of links you can avail on these sites:

(i) Regular Links: If you choose to get regular links, you’ll need to wait for several months, usually around 6 months, to get approval. Also, these links are free. Websites in the initial stage of promotions or developing to be more authentic can benefit from such links.

(ii) Reciprocal Links: If you opt for these links, you’ll need to wait for 2 to 3 months to get approval. Also, these links are generally free.

Types Of Directory Submission Sites

(iii) Paid Links: In case you select to get paid links, you’ll not need to wait for months to get approval. You need to pay some amount, and you’ll get placements with the highest traffic in just a few days. Remember that paid links can attract penalties from search engines like Google. 

Directory Submission Sites Free/Paid List

S. NO.Website NameWebsite URLDAPA
424 DIRECTORYhttps://24directory.com.ar/6844
5Corp Directoryhttps://www.corpdirectory.info/6648
6my web directoryhttps://www.mywebdirectory.com.ar/6748
7PRSL DIRECTORYhttps://prsl.info/6440
1082470.com Directoryhttps://82470.com/6240
11Work Directoryhttps://workdirectory.info/6341
12Our Directoryhttps://www.ourdirectory.info/6339
14Dark Directoryhttps://darkdir.info/6241
16The Directoryhttps://www.thedirectory.com.ar/6047
17Add New Linkhttps://addnewlink.com.ar/6044
18Blograma: Blog Directoryhttps://www.blogarama.com/5971
19000 Directoryhttps://www.000directory.com.ar/5950
20VB Directoryhttps://www.vbdirectory.info/6539
22JASMINE BUSINESS DIRECTORYhttps://www.jasminedirectory.com/5753
24Gold Link Directoryhttps://golddirectory.info/5639
25Best Of The Webhttps://botw.org/5559
26Vise Searchhttps://viesearch.com/4558
27TOP DESIGN FIRMShttps://topdesignfirms.com/4548
28Aviva DIRECTORYhttps://www.avivadirectory.com/4253
30Aurora Directoryhttps://www.aurora-directory.com/2341
31Local Pageshttps://localpages.com/3951
33abc directory.comhttps://www.abc-directory.com/3753
34Free Ads Timehttps://www.freeadstime.org/3654
36family friendly siteshttps://familyfriendlysites.com/3547
40Pegasus Business Directoryhttps://pegasusdirectory.com/3150
41Just DIRECTORYhttps://www.justdirectory.org/3148
45MARKETING INTERNET DIRECTORYhttps://www.marketinginternetdirectory.com/3052
47One Sublime Directory .comhttps://one-sublime-directory.com/3150
49Ellys Directoryhttps://ellysdirectory.com/2947
50Site Promotion Directoryhttps://www.sitepromotiondirectory.com/2853
51aLive DIRECTORYhttps://alive-directory.com/2849
521 WEBS DIRECTORYhttps://www.1websdirectory.com/2852
54BusyBits Web Directoryhttps://busybits.com/2847
56Sonic Rubhttps://www.sonicrun.com/2763
57Ask Directory .comhttps://ask-directory.com/2748
60A1 WEBDIRECTORY.ORGhttps://www.a1webdirectory.org/2653
61Just Link.orghttps://www.justlink.org/2646
62NEW WEB DIRECTORYhttps://newwebdirectory.com/2643
63Gain Webhttps://gainweb.org/2649
64The SEO Backlinkhttps://www.theseobacklink.com/2636
67Go www list.comhttps://www.gowwwlist.com/2541
68Smart SEO Link.orghttps://www.smartseolink.org/2446
69MoreFunz Web Directoryhttps://morefunz.com/2445
70Best Buy Dir .comhttps://www.bestbuydir.com/2452
7124/7 Web Directoryhttps://www.247webdirectory.com/2451
72Sites Web Directoryhttps://www.siteswebdirectory.com/2448
73HIT WEB DIRECTORYhttps://www.hitwebdirectory.com/2349
74Travel Tourism Directoryhttps://www.traveltourismdirectory.info/2348
7510 DIRECTORYhttps://www.10directory.com/2349
76fashionlistings.org https://www.fashionlistings.org/2347
79BrownEdge Directory.comhttps://www.brownedgedirectory.com/2243
80TOP RANK DIRECTORYhttps://www.freetoprankdirectory.com/2249
83PromoteBusiness Directoryhttps://www.promotebusinessdirectory.com/2248
84QUALITY INTERNET DIRECTORYhttps://www.qualityinternetdirectory.com/2248
85Black Green Directory.comhttps://www.blackgreendirectory.com/2243
87Hello Web Directoryhttps://www.dirhello.com/2147
89KING OF THE WEBhttps://www.kingoftheweb.net/2148
91International webdirectoryhttps://www.intwebdirectory.com/2040
92HOMEPAGE SEEKhttps://homepageseek.com/2046
96TXT linkshttps://www.txtlinks.com/2052

Free Directory Submission Sites– India

S. NO.Website NameWebsite URLDAPA
2Integrated Government Online Directoryhttps://igod.gov.in/4841
8PAPER DOOR INDIAhttps://paperdoor.in/2844


Directory Submission Sites– USA

S. NO.Website NameWebsite URLDAPA
4InfoListings Directoryhttps://info-listings.com/3048
5USA Websites Directoryhttps://www.usawebsitesdirectory.com/2750
6US DREhttps://usdre.com/2439
7All Business Directory .bizhttps://www.allbusinessdirectory.biz/2148
8All States USA Directoryhttps://www.allstatesusadirectory.com/2049

Directory Submission Sites– UK


S. NO.Website NameWebsite URLDAPA
2Britain Business Directoryhttps://www.britainbusinessdirectory.com/2752
3UK Internet Directoryhttps://www.ukinternetdirectory.net/2651
4The Free Directory UKhttps://the-free-directory.co.uk/2647
5YES, IT’S FREE!https://yesitsfree.co.uk/2335
6The Web Directoryhttps://www.the-web-directory.co.uk/2250
7DESIGN DIRECTORYhttps://designdirectory.co.uk/2143

Directory Submission Sites– Australia

S. NO.Website NameWebsite URLDAPA
1TRUE LOCALhttps://www.truelocal.com.au/8261
2word of mouthhttps://www.wordofmouth.com.au/5749
5Local Business Guidehttps://www.localbusinessguide.com.au/3051

Directory Submission Sites– Canada

S. NO.Website NameWebsite URLDAPA
2Show Me Localhttps://ca.showmelocal.com/5351
7Montreal Web Directoryhttps://www.gmawebdirectory.com/2451
8CANADIAN BUSINESS DIRECTORYhttps://www.canadiandirectory.org/2147

How To Do A Directory Submission?

To list your website on online directories, follow the procedure stated below:

How To Do A Directory Submission

1) Check The Site’s DA

The first and foremost step is to check the domain authority and page authority of the directory submission site. To check that you can download the Moz extension. A piece of advice is to always choose relevant sites that have DA and PA higher than that of your own website.

2) Make An Account

While not all, many online directories will require you to create an account to list your business. To begin, simply click on “My Account” and then proceed to Sign Up. Once you’ve signed up, you only need to do so once; thereafter, you can easily log in using your credentials, especially if you manage multiple businesses or sites.

NOTE: Make sure to read and understand the site’s guidelines and terms beforehand.

3) Select The Category

The next step is to pick the most suitable category as per the nature of your business. For instance, if you provide educational courses, select categories like ‘educational organization’ or ‘educational programs.’ If you run an e-commerce store, the ideal categories can be ‘shopping’ or ‘shopping and services.’

Once you select the category, you might be asked to choose a sub-category as well. For instance, in shopping, you need to select clothes, health, flowers, games, food and drinks, etc. 

4) Submit The Link

Then click on the Submit Link option to proceed further. A new window will open on your screen. Select which type of link you want- regular, reciprocal, or paid.

5) Provide Title & Description

Provide a suitable title and description for the URL that you’re submitting. Additionally, you will need to provide your email, name, category, and other required fields. After that, submit the captcha and review the site’s terms before agreeing to the terms and conditions. Then, proceed to complete the submission and wait for your link to be approved.

Now, wait to get an email confirming your submission. Every directory takes some specific time period to review and approve the links. It must be noted that the procedure stated above is generally used, although it might differ slightly for different websites. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1 What Is Directory Submission?

Directory Submission is an off-page SEO activity that involves listing your website on third-party web directories. It is done to garner backlinks and helps increase the Domain Authority and Page Authority of the site.

Q2 How To Do Directory Submission?

  • To submit your site link to online directories, choose a relevant site with high DA and PA.
  • Go through the guidelines and terms, and then sign up.
  • Pick a suitable category and subcategory for your business.
  • Submit the link.
  • Provide a relevant title and a short description of your business.

Q3 What Are The Benefits Of Free Web Submissions In SEO?

Free web submission helps in generating backlinks and acquiring a wide range of interested audiences for zero cost.

Q4 How To Choose Directory Submission Sites?

Always choose relevant web directories with high Domain Authority (DA).

Q5 Should I Submit My Website To All The Directories?

There are niche-specific web directories that can help you target a selective interested audience more diligently. However, submitting your site link under the relevant category can also yield great results, especially if it has a high Domain Authority (DA).

Bottom Line

Web directory submission plays an integral role in boosting a company’s SEO strategy. Moreover, it helps your business gain the recognition it deserves while attracting interested prospects in a tactful manner. By doing so, it expands your audience pool and increases your site’s credibility. In addition, the article above aims to provide over ninety web directory sites that can effectively assist in this crucial SEO activity.

Also Read:

1) Article Submission Sites

2) Image Submission Sites

3) Social Media List

4) PPT/PDF Submission Sites

5) SEO Score Checker Tools

6) Ping Submission Sites

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