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Voice Search Engine Optimization: An Astonishing Impact on SEO

Voice Search engine Optimization

Voice Search Engine Optimization: An Astonishing Impact on SEO

The modernization of search engine technology is consistently showing the boost. Google has done some series of updates is helping us with improved results and also serving us with innovative search technologies like voice searches and mobile site.

You know why? Because the key gain of voice search is, the result delivered through voice search is more accurate as compared to the text one. The guesswork which voice searches perform makes it the one giving better output. So, it is anytime better to go for the voice search instead of browsing some unwanted links via text search.

The voice searches have adopted a healthy percentage across the web and some of the thanks go to Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Bixby and Google Assistant. These companies came up with a search standard; people are actually taking advantage of.

How voice searches work: voice search on Google, works just as simpler and faster as the typed searches. For performing Google voice search all you have to do is click on the microphone icon present in the Google’s search bar and here you are set to go with a search.

Once you click the microphone icon in the Google search you get few seconds to speak up your query. Moreover, your voice should be clear enough for the voice recognizer to identify what you are saying.

Lets if I ask Google voice search “Who is Barak Obama”

In just a matter of seconds, Google gave me an exact answer to my question.

Other then long questions Google voice search becomes even more effective for short inquires. It tracks short queries more approximately than the long ones. Undoubtedly voice search shows the best result when asked in the question format. As, most of the users use it to find the restaurants, some famous personalities, hospitals etc.

Impact of a Voice Search on Search Engine Optimization:

A study done by Mary Meeker, who is a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, said that within the coming 5 years voice search will contribute around 50% of the total searches performed across the globe. Considering such a boom in voice searches it is important for our websites to adopt this change from text search to the voice one as soon as possible.

Voice Search Engine Optimization:

Before you get started with an actual voice search optimization it is important for you to know why people use voice search. A study was done on a group of teens and adults and made a report on their specific reasons behind voice search.

As per the report, teens use it to call someone, ask for directions, for homework, selecting a song, movie times and ask for time.

Whereas adults use it to ask for directions, dictate texts, call someone, check with the time, to play a song and to ask the movie time.

Ok, now when you know the stats let me introduce you to some of the basics that can help you with the voice search engine optimization, irrespective of the search engines.

How to Optimization Content for Voice Search


The voice search optimization effort should revolve around the micro-moments, using which any user execute the search query. Below are the trends:

 I-want-to-know moments

 I-want-to-go moments

 I-want-to-do moments

 I-want-to-buy moments

66% of the world’s Smartphone users search for something they have seen in an advertisement.

82% of the Smartphone users turn to their mobiles while looking for any local business.

More than 100 million hours of videos with “how-to” has watches on YouTube in the year 2017

29% of the mobile conversion increased in the year 2017

65% of uses consider internet to look up for the new information as compared to the few years back.

2 times near me searches increased as compared to the last year.

91% of the mobile or Smartphone uses look at their device to search for new ideas of the task they are doing.

82% of the uses use their Smartphone in a store to decide what to buy.

Include Longtail Keywords:

The queries getting posted on the search engines are getter longer, showing that the voice search revolves around the natural language. If you are a good digital marketing agency then you will take is one as an opportunity of designing longtail keywords for voice search engine optimization with your website.

FAQ Page:

Now that quite obvious! If you haven’t yet, then you should add an FAQ page on your website, as fast as you can containing common queries of your targeted audiences. Simply by adding few What, When, Where, How and Why in the FAQs you can get facilities with some very accurate information someone asking via a PC or through a voice search application.

Google Hummingbird Update:

Google Hummingbird Update has brought a noticeable change in Google. This update worked on the semantic search, uses to understand the user’s query and the context by providing users with the best possible results. With this, the searches start becoming more meaningful as one has to ask everything in the properly structured phrases and sentences.

For example, if I will ask Google which is the closest shopping mall from my location. As an immediate response, I received the list of all the shopping mall nearest to my current location. Here other search engines give priority to the keywords like ‘shopping mall’ wherein Google voice search considers the complete language and thus giving an exact result.

Website Speed:

Most of the users perform on the go searches and due to this your website should be designed in a way that it should get load easily and quickly.

Natural Language:

Stats given by Mary Meeker says, 70% of the searches are done in a natural language. And therefore a conversational question user ask on a Smartphone should always be specific in nature.

Microdata for Local SEO Optimization:

A huge number of voice searches are performed to look for small business and navigation like finding a local or nearby business. So while voice search engine optimization specifically for the local business it is important to include nearer attraction, all business locations, store hours, phone numbers, etc;

How Voice Search is Revolutionizing SEO?

Voice search is rapidly changing the way people find information online. With the rise of voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri, more people are searching by speaking their queries rather than typing. This shift to voice search poses new challenges and opportunities for SEO.

Local SEO optimization

Voice search is often used for local queries, such as “find a pizza place near me.” SEO strategies must optimize for local intent, including accurate business listings and location-based keywords.

Answer Questions Directly

Voice searchers expect direct answers, not keyword-stuffed articles. To satisfy voice searches, content should directly answer natural language questions. Consider the specific questions people would ask your business and answer them clearly. Including FAQs and other question-focused content is beneficial.

Mobile-first approach

Voice searches are primarily conducted on mobile devices, emphasizing the importance of mobile-friendly websites and accelerated mobile pages (AMP).

Voice search is revolutionizing SEO by pushing it toward more user-centric, natural language optimization, local relevance, and mobile accessibility. Staying ahead in this dynamic landscape requires SEO professionals to adapt and embrace these changes to ensure their online presence remains prominent and relevant.


It is the need of time that one should have the best voice search engine optimization company or a digital marketing agency that can matchup with the level of searchers getting performed. Form SEO to the online reputation management and a lot more, Mind Mingles has always proven that they are the leaders in the field, having an ability of deliver the best results for any business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are some best practices for optimizing for voice search?

  • Focus on natural language, long-tail keywords, and directly answering user questions. 
  • Write content that sounds natural when read aloud. 
  • Include FAQs.

Q2. How is voice search different than typing searches?

Voice searches use more conversational queries and full sentence questions. They require different optimization than short keyword searches.

Q3. What kind of content works well for voice search?

Clear, concise answers to natural language questions work best. FAQs and local content also perform well for voice searches.

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