9 Tips For A Startup Business



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Driven by technology and modernization, businesses are starting to evolve. Businesses no longer require people to stand outside and sell directly to people on the street or handing out flyers to every stranger that has passed by, hoping to turn those strangers into customers. With modern technology, you’ll be able to reach out to your potential customers digitally without the physical need to be out on the street. It’ll be a lot convenient. However, competition can be a lot tougher because its accessible by everyone.

If you’re planning to get out of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, you might consider starting your own business and be your own CEO. As astonishing as it sounds, the process isn’t as easy as one would hope it’ll be. Running a business isn’t easy but it is possible. All you have to do is start somewhere. 

Here are the tips on how you can build a start-up company in 2021:

1. Go Online 

Before starting going in-depth, let’s emphasize the need to go online. In today’s digital world, online business has been dramatically evolving day by day. Most people prefer online shopping over anything else due to its convenience and ease of use. When you allow your business to run online, you’ll be able to get more exposure with a broader range of people. Facebook and Google ads have a smarter ad feature that allows your advertisements to be seen by your target market. 

If you’d like to save money with the advertisements, invest with Search Engine Optimization or SEO. SEO is a new online feature that allows your website to be on people’s search engine pages’ top results. You can improve this by adding backlinks to your website, which will enable you to gather an organic audience for better sales conversion. You could check backlinks of your competitors to see in which area of your business you need to improve on. 

How to Sell Your Business to a Competitor and Not Get Burned | Inc.com

2. Be Active Online 

In line with launching your business online, it’s ideal that you make your business active online. Being online will help proper exposure to audiences as they’ll be able to see that your business is still up and running. It will encourage them to inquire about your business or product offers. 

You can be active online by posting daily on your social media accounts or daily blog posts on your website. If you have no idea how to start a blog, there are a lot of resources online. Just make sure that you keep your website’s blog updated ad cover different topics while applying proper SEO so that you’ll be able to gather more organic audiences to your website. 

3. Ask Yourself If You’re Ready 

Before launching anything else, let’s dive into your emotional state first. Ask yourself if you’re ready to start your own business. Measure the time that you’ll be consuming when you’re starting your business. Not only that you’ll be running them, but you’ll be needing extra time to prepare for the launch of your business to make it a successful one. You’d probably spend hours each day even if your company hasn’t started yet, and it could add more if it turns into a success. 

In line with giving up your time, you also need to be financially prepared. Running a business requires you to bring out capital to cover expenses such as product research, advertisements, product inventory, and business registration, to name a few. When planning the financial aspects, consider the cost of obtaining a trademark, as it can be significant for new businesses. Understanding these expenses is essential to ensure your venture remains adequately funded without unexpected surprises. You have to calculate all the future costs and allow enough wiggle room since not everything will go according to plan, and there’ll be revisions along the way. 

Lastly, ask yourself if you’re emotionally ready to start a business and have the right mindset in creating one. Starting a business is challenging, and there’ll come a time that you’d be feeling like giving up. When unfavorable events happen for your business, you should take a deep breath, and remember why you started building a business in the first place.

4. Determine What Type of Business You’re Going For 

When you’re starting your own business, you should go for a company that you’re genuinely passionate about so that you’ll be able to run a successful one. When you’re sincere with what you do, your motivation to keep the business running will keep going, allowing you to have a successful one. In line with this, you’ll also know who your target market is and how you can appeal to your audience to help you have better conversion sale.

Along with this, you should go for a business that your money allows you to run. If you have a limited budget, running a restaurant may not be a smart idea as it requires a ton of money just to have them established. Asses your finances and try to start small if you have limited budget.

5. Develop A Small Business Plan  

Of course, when you plan to run your own business, you intend it to be huge someday. While the aim is to get there, all business needs to start small. 

When planning to start your own business, you’ll need to create a business plan to follow and have a proper flow for your business. Having a business plan will allow you to be on track with your goals and do everything as scheduled. When creating your business plan, it’s ideal that you start planning for a small business and gradually grow it as you expand. A business plan will help you be more focused on the little things and set your expectations right just in case your business doesn’t grow as planned. Business is a gamble, and you’ll never know if you’ll be able to make the target sale you’ve set for your company. With the right business plan, you’ll be able to focus on small details allowing for better growth and manage your expectations right. 

6. Know Your Target Audience 

Running a business will only be successful if you have sales from your audiences for your company. Ideally, you gather as many audiences as much as possible, as there’ll be a more significant chance that they’ll be able to convert into paying customers. 

You must target the right audience as you may have built the best company, but when your target market is wrong, it’ll only lead to failure as there’ll not be converting customers in your chosen area. For example, when you’re selling dog accessories, your target market will be dog lovers or pet owners. Knowing who your audience is will help you capture their interest. If you run your advertisements to new parents or car enthusiasts, you might not be able to get the result you need. 

7. Research Your Competitors  

One way to build a successful business is to research your competitors and find out their strong and weak points. Try to adapt their strong points and study their weaknesses, and find a way to convert it into strength. 

Research on what they sell and how they sell it. See if your competitors offer additional products or services that you can incorporate into your business. Competitive analysis is an on-going process, and you should always be updated with the latest trends. However, if you don’t have any competitors, it could be a sign that there is no product to sell with your chosen market. 

8. Earn While You Build

As you start your business, don’t risk everything just yet. Before starting your business, it’s wise that you keep a day job running and have your business with you on the side. Keeping your regular job will allow you to have your monthly income and earn a little bit more with your new business venture. If you haven’t done so already, find an updated loan calculator to keep up with your payments. Having your day job will allow you to have a safe fallback just in case your business goes south.

As a new business owner, you’ll have to test the waters first before you can make this your steady income. It’ll be tough to juggle both simultaneously. Still, as your business gradually improves, you can slowly transition to quitting your day job and allow yourself to be 100% focused on your built business. 

9. Be Prepared to Fail 

Imagine yourself with zero money. As much as you try to stay positive and motivated with your business, be open to the possibility of unfortunate events where your business would fail. As much as it’s ideal to be on the positive side of the room, it’s still better to be safe than to be sorry.

It’s a great idea to come up with a just in case plan so you could have something to fall back to only in case your business didn’t run as planned. If your business is still new and unstable, it’s ideal that you keep your day job so you could always have a steady income. Along with this, you could also have a part-time job on the side, so you could have additional revenue that could help you and start your new business. 


Starting your own business isn’t an easy job and doesn’t happen overnight. You have to invest a lot of your time and money, making sure that it’ll run to be a success. You have to create many studies to make sure that your market is aligned with your product offered. Along with this, you should also be open with SEO integration for your website and include social media management to capture an organic audience that could potentially lead to converting sales.

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