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What Is Content Marketing In 2021?



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video content marketing

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If you are interested in content marketing, you’ve come to the right place. It is a marketing technique based on the creation of different content (ideally educational) around a brand. There is a clear condition, and that is that this content is not an advertising aspect and that with it, you must think that you will create your own audiences. This last point is very important.

The success of a good content marketing strategy should help you as a company or brand to achieve your own audiences.

For this, ideally, the content should be an asset to your brand or company. If you place it outside (social networks, YouTube, among others), keep in mind that the audiences will not be yours. A simple way to explain the previous paragraph is that content marketing aims to help brands to become a medium. 

The big difference with branded content is that content marketing lives in assets or properties of the brand, while branded content lives in third-party media that are not owned by the brand. In branded content, brands leverage the audiences that the media have. In content marketing, brands build relevant audiences for them.

It is also important to differentiate with storytelling, where brands seek through content that audiences fall in love with them. A video with storytelling techniques has a very important emotional component. To make a video like this, you can try FlexClip online video maker. It can save you much time with stunning pre-made templates and copyright-free resources. The correct execution of a video content marketing . strategy has multiple benefits compared to brand positioning.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Content Marketing?

  1. Increase the organic reach of a brand.
  2. Improves the interaction of the brand with the target audience or well-called buyer persona.
  3. Increase conversion rates. A page with content can have six times more conversions than one without.
  4. Lowers the cost of traffic coming to the brand’s website. The cost of traffic to a website can be up to 99% cheaper than with paid campaigns. If you want to delve into this topic, I recommend that you analyze the following text that tells you about the differences between SEM vs SEO.
  5. Improve brand SEO. It helps to improve the organic positioning of a brand.
  6. Improve the quality of leads.
  7. Content is the backbone of any inbound marketing strategy.
  8. It is essential for automation platforms
  9. Supports social channels with valuable content.

As we mentioned, the most important thing in content marketing for a brand is the possibility of creating its own audiences.

What Is Content Marketing?

“A digital marketing technique that consists of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience, with the aim of driving profitable action from customers.” This definition comes from the Content Marketing Institute, which is one of the most important entities in the field.

The Key Elements To Understand What Content Marketing is:

Content marketing is a marketing technique:

To understand what content marketing is, you must start from the fact that it is a technique that has the ultimate objective of increasing the web positioning of a brand. Additionally, it is essential to generate traffic and increase the conversion results of brands on their web pages.

video content marketing

The ultimate goal for a brand should be to build its own audiences so as not to depend on the media when you want to communicate something.

Creation Of The Pieces:

The content must be original and must be built by us as a brand. It should not be copied from anywhere. Although it may be inspired by other texts, and as we will see later in some examples, this is known as content curation.

Content Distribution:

As important as creating original, unique, and different content is how we distribute and disseminate it. We should use all the resources available to the brand to be able to impact the highest possible percentage of our audience. It is not enough to have the highest quality content, a planned, effective, and practical distribution is also essential.

When the content distribution is carried out, it should ideally be done through native advertising, social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, among others), influencers, or paid platforms.

The purpose of content distribution is to reach users who do not know you but not through advertising pieces but through content. If you want to understand the concept, read the following text that explains what content distribution is.

Content Marketing Is Valuable For A Brand:

The content we create must be perceived as valuable. Keep in mind that the public wants to consume quality content.

Remember that the competition is fierce, and there is always someone with more resources trying to reach the same people. If what we offer them as a brand does not provide them with differential value, they will not consume it.

The great advantage when developing a content marketing strategy is that each piece you make will become a true digital asset for the brand.

If you can make SEO work, you will never stop receiving organic traffic. If you understand the concept well, the cost of that traffic tends to $ 0, while if you depend on advertising, you will never stop paying to achieve it.

Content Marketing Is Relevant:

All the content generated by our brand must be appropriate and timely to what the public is demanding. Do not forget that you must define very well the objectives (which will help you define the formats) and the buyer person (which will help you with the themes). That is why the concept of keyword analysis is important. Never generate content by intuition. That is a fatal mistake. Validate if there is potential in the generation of content based on the number of people searching in search engines on a certain topic.

As we mentioned, with keyword analysis, you can determine the reach potential that a piece of content will have when you develop it. Always do it from data, and a good platform for this is  Google’s Keyword Planner, which is free. 

Content Marketing Must Be Consistent:

The content must maintain a solid and logical structure. It must be understandable and aligned with the values that the brand defends or champions so that it is more easily associated with it. Do not forget that to make each piece of content effective in the medium and long term. They must be developed with SEO techniques.

For you to understand the concept, Telefónica wants to reach the market of CTOs, CIOs of companies and developed a blog called reporter digital. In this article, you will find information of interest to these users. That is what we call consistency.

The true value of content is achieved when you don’t have to pay for your audience to consume it. You do that by creating the pieces using web positioning techniques. There is a big difference between creating content and creating a content strategy. If you are going to work with someone, be sure that they know how to develop the content with the necessary SEO techniques so that you do not lose that investment.

It Should Attract:

The content generated by our brand aims to draw the attention of current and potential audiences. The ideal is to attract users with cheaper costs than paid advertising. To achieve this, you must read the following article that talks about the  ROI of Content Marketing.

What we want with this model is that you can clearly determine in which cases it is profitable to create valuable content. If you develop a good content strategy, you can achieve cheaper visitors than with CPC campaigns. Do not forget that the premise of the content must be its quality. This will allow you to always attract important audiences for your brand.


The content must manage to hold captive the potential customers whose attention it initially attracted, and therefore achieve an increase in sales. Keep in mind that the content formats and metrics you use will determine the results. To better understand, if what you need are leads, this will not be achieved with normal video or text formats.

On the contrary, with formats that encourage your potential client to register, such as e-books or book reviews. You must consider that the formats respond to the objectives of the brand. It is not the same if your objective is to lead as if it is traffic. The format used must be different.

Defined Audience:

The content must be directed to an audience that we have previously determined. In fact, it must be built for that audience. For this, we recommend defining the audience based on the concept of the buyer person.

Once you define it, you can start to define the topics that may be interesting for your audience. Keep in mind that a buyer person must give you the possibility to determine content themes to attract them to your website.

Do not forget that the content must be for the user and not for the brand. There is a big difference.

An example of this can be found in the case of Mitsubishi’s blog, which has Lisa as a Buyer Person who is a mother who is the head of the family. If you know the brand’s blog, the contents are aimed at getting many moms like her interested in knowing more.

The Clarity In Content:

The content must be precisely delimited. There should be no doubt to whom the article is directed. By creating broader content for the buyer persona, you can have a better chance of making a true connection. As we mentioned, do not try to create branded content or only with topics related to it. Remember that the content should not be too promotional.

If you create a good content strategy, you will be able to attract many buyer personas.

Drive Action:

The ultimate goal of any content strategy, like any other marketing technique, is to generate an action or call to action. This can be a sale, a registration, a request for information, but it generates an action from potential customers.

Always place action calls at the end of each piece, and use the side spaces of the content to encourage users to action (see the sidebar of this piece of content). Place banners or buttons that encourage your customers to learn about your brand.


These actions carried out by the client from the consumption of the content generated by the brand must mean a profit. Think that a good piece of content should achieve much cheaper traffic and leads than traditional advertising. If you develop a good content strategy, you will achieve it without fail.

Do not forget that if, in addition to the above, you have a good automation platform, the results can be surprising. From the above, we can say that inbound marketing is key to achieving great results.

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